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Sunday, February 8, 2009
Welcome party cum CNY Celebration 09
Hope you have a good time on 29Feb (Thursday) during the Choir Welcome Party - cum - CNY Celebration.

Let me say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have made this Welcome Party happening, interesting and wonderful..

Actually, you have only played the 1st half of the games. The most exciting games were actually planned by the Sec4s - which we didn't have time to play. What a waste ... but Nevermind! We will still play those games for the upcoming Choir camp in June! Stay tune for more updates. Nonethless, THANK YOU for the Sec4s who planned the games; and the Sec2s +3s for planning the food.

Let's walk down the memory lane on what have happened on 29Feb.

Thank you Jason for taking the photos for us while Susan and I were busy preparing the food.

Choir welcome party cum CNY Celebration III

Choir welcome party cum CNY Celebration

Choir welcome party cum CNY Celebration II